Annual Report 2019 Desiderata

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2019 Highlights

United for the Cure

4,200 copies of communication material sent to Basic Health Care Units in the city of Rio de Janeiro; 459 professionals trained
90% of the cases referred were scheduled within 3 days after appointment at Primary Care. 202 children and adolescents referred by Primary Care


Pediatric Oncology Forum

225 participants at a 3-day event; Drafting of the 4th letter of recommendations for improving treatment
ícone palestrate
54 national speakers; 5 international speakers; 15 subjects in working groups, workshops, and meetings

Coffee with Ideas

Actions to prevent and fight childhood obesity in Rio de Janeiro
35 academic experts, health professionals, public and third sector managers; 4 topics discussed: legislation, food environments, line of care, and actions for promotion
ícone ideia
4 temas discutidos: legislação, ambientes alimentares, linha de cuidado e ações de promoção

1st Seminar on the Panorama of Childhood Obesity

40 professionals and managers, representatives from the Ministry of Health, State and City of Rio de Janeiro
ícone reunião
9 speakers

Treatment improvement

2,005 tests done at the Carioca Submarine; 6,000 children and teenagers benefitted by the creation of the Carioca Aquarium; Donation of a diagnostic equipment to Hospital Municipal Jesus


Publication of the 6th Panorama of Pediatric Oncology; Publication of the 1st Panorama of Childhood Obesity in Rio de Janeiro